Our Services
Language School
◆ Introduction
With the generous donations from the Korean government and universities, InKAS grants scholarships for Korean international adoptees over the age of 18. Learning about Korean culture begins with a proper education and therefore, knowing the Korean language is perhaps the most critical step in understanding Korean culture. Because we believe that the Korean education can also be a therapeutic process for many Korean adoptees in their personal identity search, our scholarship service is by far the most administered service InKAS offers and strongly suggests.
◆ Type of schools and classes
When applying for a scholarship, you must choose which semester and school you want to attend. The schools might have some differences in the curriculum, but they all offer high quality classes with many talented teachers and diverse students.
The scholarship is available for morning classes only. The classes usually run four hours a day, Monday through Friday from 9am to 1pm. Our scholarship does not cover evening classes anymore.
1. Application
- During the application process, you will be able to apply for a scholarship through your InKAS account. Each applicant is required to upload and submit additional documents after selecting their three top school choices as well as writing a brief introduction. The required documents are as follows:
○ One photocopy of adoption document with Korean name
○ One photocopy of your passport with passport number
○ Proof of high school graduation (high school diploma, university diploma, or university transcripts are accepted)
* Only fully completed acpplications received before the deadline will be accepted. Selections will be made entirely on a first-come, first-served basis. Each acceptance letter will be sent individually by e-mail.
2. Application Deadline Dates
- First-come-first-serve basis
- We receive all the applications for each semester (Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter). Selection will be made entirely on a first-come-first-serve basis.
- Spring (January~February)
-Summer (March~April)
- Fall (June~July)
- Winter (September~October)
*This is only an estimation. The scholarship deadline schedule may change depending on the university's curriculum schedule.
3. How to apply
- Please check the InKAS notice board online regularly, as we post a notice with instructions at the beginning of each semester's application period
4. Tuition
- Registration fee : You will be asked to pay a registration fee if accepted as a scholarship student.
- Tuition fee: InKAS scholarship amounts may change each semester. Typically coverage is 50% for the universities. Note: For those attending Ewha & Yonsei University, 70% of the tuition fee must be paid by the scholarship grantee (only 30% is covered).
5. Terms & Conditions
- Meal and accommodations are not subject to support.
- Text book fees is not included
- Universities emphasize that all the students, including scholarship grantees, are to be absent no more than 4 days during the school term. If your absences exceeds 4 days, you can be asked to leave.
- The scholarship is for one semester(the duration of each semester is 3 months) and can be extended to another semester only of you have high attendance and grades, and if InKAS has enough space.
◆ The available schools are listed below