Our Services
Other Services
✔ Birth family Reunion Support
Over the years, more than 200,000 South Korean orphans have found new families and homes in more than 14 different countries. At InKAS, we assist those adoptees who wish to find their birth families.
If you would like to search for your birth family, first contact your Korean adoption agency. If the circumstance is that your adoption agency cannot help, you may email InKAS for alternative suggestions on searching for your birth family. We will try our best to assist you in every way possible.
InKAS staffs will be able to accompany you to orphanages and/or hospitals in Seoul and other regions in South Korea when you have to collect your personal data. Please note that there will be a charge for the trip (I,e. costs for transportation, accommodation, etc.) when visiting regions outside of Seoul.
InKAS provides various services for Korean adoptees visiting or living in Korea. You must be a currently paid-up member of InKAS to receive our services. If you are not a member, please sign up on our website to take advantage of the following services:
1. Interpretation services: As we understand that there may be a language barrier between adoptees and birth families during reunion meetings, InKAS will provide you with interpreters who will be able to translate during reunion meetings with birth families. Also during your various activities in South Korea, and for your medical appointments, applying for a visa, opening a bank account, etc, we can always provide translators who can assist you.
2. Email & Letter translation: We understand the importance of communication before and after birth family reunions. We provide online and offline translation services so that adoptees and birth families can maintain correspondence through letters and e-mails. All the letters that are translated will be kept confidential. Please fill out an [Ask a Volunteer] application and paste your letter into the comments box.
3. Accommodation Arrangement: Traveling to a foreign country is always an uneasy process, especially if the trip is for the first time to an unfamiliar location. We would like to provide a dependable assistance and help you find an affordable and safe place for your choice of lodging, and to assist you with any other arrangements you may need. Please note we are not a housing location service, but we can provide suggestions or consultation.
4. Airport Pick up & Guide: We can arrange an airport pickup if you do not have any pickup arrangements. We can also find tour guides who can accompany you during activities such as shopping, eating, sight seeing, etc.
5. Counseling: We do not have any professional counseling services, but we can provide counseling for those who need to talk before or after their birth family search. We know that the searching and meeting process of one’s birth family can be stressful. With the knowledge that we have gained through numerous successful reunions, we will do our best to ease your worries and make this process as comfortable as possible by guiding you through cultural differences and any other difficulties that may arise.
6. Private Korean Language Tutoring: Free one on one private Korean tutoring service with one of our Korean volunteers. Usually we recommend meeting your tutor once or twice a week. Please fill out an application [Ask a Volunteer application] and specify the meeting area, days and times you are available to receive tutoring.
7. Medical Service:
❍ InKAS, in collaboration with Ewha womans University Mokdong Hospital and Sinchon Yonsei Hospital (Not Yonsei Severance Hospital) provides benefits for overseas Korean adoptees similar to those that Korean citizens with National Health Insurance receive. This is very helpful for Korean adoptees without health insurance, considering hospital expenses are usually quite high when patients are uninsured.
❍ A translator is provided for an easier process at one of these hospitals.
❍ How to apply for InKAS Medical Service
1. Fill out an application [Other Service]form and please include the reason for hospital visit and date and time you are available to go. (If you need a translator, please write a note on the application form)
2. Wait for an InKAS Medical service confirmation message via email.
3. Visit hospital on the date of your reservation with your ID card.
8. General Health Check up:
Free health check up includes interview examination and posture test, chest x-ray test, blood and urine test, blood pressure check, diabetes test, blood sugar test and hepatitis test.
Health check up test is available at the Seodaemun District National Health Center Monday-Friday, 9am-4pm (no weekends or holidays)
To reserve an appointment please fill out the [General Health Check up Application] online and include the days and times you are available for the check up. We strongly suggest using our interpretation services as there aren't English-speaking doctors. Please note on the application if you need an interpreter.
After you receive your health check up, the results will be sent to the InKAS office within 7 days. Please come to the office to pick up your results and we can also provide English translation of your results.
9. Oriental Medicine Consultation:
InKAS in collaboration with the Association of Korean Medicine (KOMSTA), will be providing free Korean traditional medicine consultations (한의학) to Korean adoptees in Korea. Several doctors from the association will be present to consult with during these times.
Korean traditional medicine focuses more on treating human body as a whole, instead of just one aspect or ailment. It can be used to treat current ailments, as well as for preventative measures. Common treatments using Korean traditional medicine, include acupuncture, herbal remedies (한약), and aromatherapy.
Please RSVP by facebook message or email to reserve a time. The consultation usually runs on 2nd Sunday of each month, from 1:30pm to 3:30pm at the InKAS guesthouse.
10. Job Search and establishment Service:
❍Advice and support for adoptees who are staying in South Korea for a long period and wish to find employment and/or to establish their own business.
❍ Recommendations can be given depending on the individual's area of interest. Please email InKAS for consultation.
11. Legal advice:
May vary, depending on the individual's case