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[마감]통역 봉사자를 찾습니다 (부산)

Volunteer needed to interpret in Busan for a Korean adoptee meeting her biological father.

If available for any of the following dates please reply below:

April 6th, April 7th, April 13th, April 14th

Thank you!

  1. soo young Ahn on date 2013-03-22 22:58
    I'm available on April 13,14th.

InKAS - International Korean Adoptee Service Inc | 전화번호: +82-2-3148-0258 | 팩스: +82-2-3148-0259
03009 서울특별시 구로구 경인로 662, 디큐브시티 오피스동 15F, InKAS