InKAS has now opened a new website!! :D
We hope that this new site will make it easier for you to navigate and find the information you are looking for. Also when applying for services we have made it easier have a overview of what services are available and the status of your application, you will find this in My Applications. We will be continuously updating the website with fresh information and features to improve the communication with the InKAS members.
Please take a good look at My Account page and correct the missing or wrong information about you. Especially check your Type of member and select Adoptee or what ever your type of membership is. That would help us a lot. You can also see your payment status, a lot of our members haven't paid their membership due to some how complicated payment process. This should be easy enough and automatically updates your payment status so you can apply for InKAS services.
Note that the previous address will not be used anymore, is now on the valid address.
The website is still fresh and as any other website unpredicted problems may occur, if so please notify us and we will fix it.
Our email is still the same,
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