InKAS Language Bound: Korean Adoptee Instructors Working to Fill Korea’s Education Gap
InKAS Language Bound was created for the purpose of delivering high-quality English language instruction to students from disadvantaged backgrounds. Contrary to their more affluent peers, many underprivileged children in Korea do not have the same access to quality English language teaching, creating an education gap dramatically impacting their future academic and economic prospects. By offering research-based, high-quality English instruction in partnership with parents, families and key stakeholders, InKAS Language Bound works to offset Korea’s educational social imbalance while creating job opportunities for international Korean adoptees returning to live and work in Korea.
What Language Bound is looking for?
An experience greatly differing from existing private and public English supplemental education, Language Bound serves and acknowledges the whole child while employing continuous research and best practices to continuously improve education quality.
1. Teachers with a passion for closing the educational achievement gap in Korea and the maturity requisite for overseeing students' personal and academic development.
2. Committed, responsible professionals who are open to training, feedback and instructional growth through accountability.
3. A no excuses attitude and the ability to remain calm under stress, along with the ability to employ tenderness and patience as needed.
4. Experience in education with a base understanding of lesson planning and classroom management.
What are the benefits of working for Language Bound?
1) 700,000 KRW per month (taxes not included)
2) Continuous professional development and expert coaching
3) Priority acceptance for InKAS services
- Korean overseas adoptee
- Proficient English Speaker
- Ability to teach four hours per week (Tuesday and Thursday afternoons)
- Willingness to be coached and engage in regular contact (~one hour/week) with coach is required, attendance at a monthly professional development seminar
- Committed and dependable work attitude, in addition to traits described above
Required Documents:
- Application (through application portal)
- Resume
- Copy of University Transcript or Diploma (highest received level of education, unofficial transcripts are acceptable)
- Sample Lesson Plan (see below)
Application Process
1) Application with Resume, Transcript/Diploma & Lesson Plan Submission → 2) Interview → 3) Training → 4) Classes Begin
*Sample Lesson Plan Instructions: Please write and attach a lesson plan for an English language instruction one hour class, appropriate for early elementary students (grades 1-3). The subject and instruction methods are to be determined by the applicant. You may also include any relevant activities or assessments to be used with the lesson.
Important Dates:
Application Deadline - Monday, June 20, 2016 at midnight
Interviews (invitees only) - Next week
Teacher Training - Two full days, last week of June
Semester - September-December
* Prior to the beginning of each semester, an unpaid two-day training will be conducted (meals provided). Teachers are expected to actively participate in professional development sessions, and use skills learned in weekly lesson plans and instruction. More information will be provided.
* In addition, prior to beginning work for InKAS Language Bound, and as a condition of employment, all instructors must complete or give evidence of a valid medical checkup as well as provide a copy of criminal history record (documents not required with initial application).
For questions and/or additional information, please contact