Participants: Korean Adoptees
Limit: 40 persons
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Only limited to 32 Korean adoptees
Written by Notices .
on date 2014-11-03 inAre you sick and weary? Our monthly medical consultation is coming up!
Receive Korean traditional medical consultation for colds, flu, muscle pain, indigestion, etc.
All adoptees in Korea are welcome!
Where? InKas Guest House
When? Sunday, November 16th – 1:30 to 3:00pm. (Come before 2:30!!)
InKAS is working with the Association of Korean Medicine (KOMSTA) to provide free Korean
traditional medicine consultations once a month for Korean adoptees staying in Korea. Qualified professional doctors will be present to consult with you during these times.
If you're interested in Korean traditional medicine or if you’re looking for Korean traditional medical consultation, this is an awesome opportunity for you!!!
The doctors are happy to answer all your questions regarding Korean traditional medicine as well as to offer medical treatment.
During consultation, the doctor will diagnose your illness, suggest treatment options (acupuncture and/or herbal medication can be given that day for free), and give referrals to make additional appointments (discounts are available for additional treatments if necessary).
Please, feel free to RSVP via email and stop by the InKAS guesthouse on Sunday, November 16th, from 1:30pm to 3:00pm. You must come by 2:30pm to receive a consultation.
Written by Notices .
on date 2014-09-19 in2014 InKAS Korean Language Scholarships for Winter Semester
InKAS provides Korean language scholarships to overseas Korean adoptees as an opportunity to learn the Korean language at a prestigious university in South Korea. In association with a grant from the Ministry for Health, Welfare and Family Affairs and the participating universities, scholarship grantees can study at any of these language institutes: Ewha Womans, Korea, Kyunghee, Seoul National, Sogang, Sangmyuung, Sookmyung Women’s and Yonsei University.
1. Required Documents and Terms
A. Documents
- One on-line application form (
- One photocopy of adoption document with your Korean name
- One photocopy of your passport with valid passport number
- One photocopy of your high school diploma or higher
- One photo (3x4cm)
B. Terms
- For students re-applying for a second semester, only an application form needs to be resubmitted, but some documents might be requested by InKAS or the university.
- If you have any problems or issues from previous semesters at the Korean language school, your application can be rejected or your acceptance may be cancelled by personal notification.
- An applicant must be at least 18 years old.
- Only fully-completed applications along with all the required documents will be accepted.
- Selections will be made entirely on a first-come first-served basis.
2. Application Deadline
- For all universities: 24:00, October 10th(Korean time)/Seoul national unuversity 24:00 September 28th
3. How to apply
- Sign up or log into InKAS website ▷ Log in ▷ Our service ▷ Scholarship ▷ click on ‘Apply for scholarship’
- Fill out application form for 2014 winter scholarship ▷ Submit the completed form with all proper required documents
4. University information for language scholarships available through InKAS
Course period
Course available through InKAS
Ewha Uni.
Intensive Program
Korea Uni.
2014.12.04- 2015.02.17
Regular Program
Kyunghee Uni.
Regular Course
Sangmyung Uni.
Regular Program
Seoul National Uni.
Regular Program
Sogang Uni.
Regular Course(20hrs/wk)
Sookmyung Uni.
Regular Morning
Yonsei Uni.
Regular Morning
* Classes run from 9a.m to 1p.m Monday through Friday
* The university information above can be changeable by university’s decision
* We do not offer scholarships for alternative language programs (evening or shorter-hour classes)
5. Fee
- University registration fee: Different terms apply for each university.
* Any previous scholarship cancellations can have a negative impact on your ability to receive another scholarship for 2014 Fall semester.
* Please check the university websites for spring semester schedule once again.
* If you are a recipient of a scholarship for the 2014 winter semester, you will receive payment instructions and more information about this course by email.
For further inquiries regarding InKAS Korean Language Scholarships, please email or contact InKAS.
Event date: 2014-09-08
Written by Notices .
on date 2014-09-05 inHello!
As you may know, it's Chusok holiday 9/8-9/10.
So, our office will be closed during the holiday.
Hope you have great time with family or friends.
Happy Chusok!!
InKAS in collaboration with the Association of Korean Medicine (KOMSTA) provides free Korean traditional medicine consultations once a month for Korean adoptees staying in Korea. Excellent doctors from the association will be present to consult with during these times.
If you're interested in Korean traditional medicine or if you’re looking for Korean traditional medical consultation, this must be an awesome opportunity for you!!!
The doctors will be happy to answer all your questions regarding Korean traditional medicine as well as to offer medical treatment.
During the consultation, a doctor will diagnose your problem, suggest treatment options (acupuncture and/or herbal medication can be given that day for free), and give referrals to make additional appointments (discounts are available for additional treatment outside that day if necessary).
Please, feel free to RSVP via email and stop by the InKAS guesthouse on Sunday, September 14th, from 1:30pm to 3:00pm. You must be there by 2:30pm to receive a consultation.
Let's Celebrate Chuseok
What are you planning to do on Monday night?
We have some free tickets of a classic concert which will be held at Miral School near Ilwon station on August 25th.
This may be a good chance to enrich your life with music or at least to have wonderful time Monday evening.
The spots, however, are limited. Thus, first come, first served.
If you are interested in the concert, please RSVP by August 22nd, Friday via email(
We can gather up at InKAS office by 6PM, and go to the concert place together.
Deadline: Aug. 22nd, Friday
Thank you,
Written by Notices .
on date 2014-07-31 inInKAS 2014 Online TESOL Program
InKAS would like to offer an opportunity for overseas Korean adoptees living all over the world to take an online TESOL course (at reasonable price). As the demand for English teachers is very high in Korea, English teacher position is one of the careers a number of people from the U.S, Canada, Australia, or Europe living in Korea choose. We continue to support Korean adoptees to find a way to have a stable life here in Korea. This is also aimed to helping overseas Korean adoptees have a higher chance of getting a job.
2014 Online TESOL Course Overview:
120-hour certification course designed by the Academy of Languages & Training Canada (
Overseas Korean adoptees participate in this online program anywhere around the world if they have a computer and access to the Internet. You can listen to the lessons even at home, so if you invest some money and your free time, you may be able to learn about teaching English to foreigners and improve your teaching skills you come home after work or school. If you are planning to start your career as an English teacher in Korea, you can make yourself more competitive by joining this program before coming to Korea.
Course duration: September 15th, 2014 – October 14th, 2014
Course structure: 100% online course
Course fee: 150,000KRW(150USD, 100EURO)
How to apply:
Fill out an application through If you are not an InKAS member, please sign up first and pay the annual membership fee.
* As you may know, to write any kind of application on our website, you should be our paid member. So, please check your InKAS membership if you are interested in this program.
Application deadline: September 5st, 2014
Bok-nal means it's the most hottest days in a year. Also, Koreans call it Sam-bok-deow-we. It's between June and July, and there's 3 Bok-nals. First one is called Cho-bok (7/13 in 2013), second one is called Jung-bok (7/23 in 2013), and the last one is called Mal-bok (8/12 in 2013). And each day, people tend to eat some food which could make them invigorated. Which means for self-preservation, Koreans eat special foods which could make people get stronger enough to spend summer season well. Most famous special foods are dog-meat soup and Samgyetang (chicken soup with ginseng). Koreans think that eating hot foods even in the hottest days means fight fire with fire. And believed to make body stronger by that. So people usually eat hot healthy food in these days, not cold foods.
Dog-meat soup is believed to restores energy to tired body. Following to the eastern medicinal manual, it says dog-meat makes the five viscera relaxed, controls the blood vessel, makes stomach and intestine stronger and makes waist and knee warm so that it improves person's energy. Koreans believed that don-meat soup is such a healthy food, so in Chosun dynasty, people even already knew how to cook dogs well.
But in some areas, people believed that eating don-meat soup brings bad luck, some Koreans banned to eat don-meat soup. Also, in history, some religion banned to eat it. These days, not a lot of people are eating dog-meat soup, but still there's some people who eat it. Because of these reasons, as a substitute for dog-meat soup, some people enjoyed Samggyetang (chicken soup with ginseng).
Samggyetang is made of young chicken and put ginseng, jujube, glutinous rice inside of it and boil it for long time. Sometimes, people use black chicken instead of young chicken. Eating chicken keeps people from getting cold and it's good for the stamina. Cure-all food like Ginseng and garlics are added in this, Samggyetang is believed to be a perfect health food.
And some people also eat Patjuk as a health food. Patjuk is believed to prevent people to get affected by heat and diseases. Also, in hot weather, people thought that Patjuk can expel ghost so lots of people enjoyed it.