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Chuseok Message from InKAS

Event date: 2012-09-24

즐거운 한가위 보내세요

Event date: 2012-09-24

즐거운 한가위 보내세요

[마감] 행사도우미를 찾습니다.

Event date: 2012-09-20

 장학금 수여 및 K-pop 공연 행사 진행에 도움 주실 봉사자님을 찾습니다.

1. 일시 : 10/3(Wed) 18:30~

2. 장소 : 신촌아트레온

3. 모집인원 : O명

4. 봉사내용 : 행사진행

봉사가 가능하신 분은 아래에 댓글을 달아주세요.


자원봉사자 KPOP콘서트 초대

Event date: 2012-09-20

사)국제한국입양인봉사회(InKAS)에서는 해외 입양인 모국어 연수 장학금 전달식 및 K-POP콘서트를 개최합니다.

이 자리에 사)국제한국입양인봉사회(InKAS) 자원봉사자분들을 초대하고자 합니다.

아래의 내용을 참조하시어 바쁘시더라도 장학금 혜택을 받는 해외 입양인에 대한 축하와 멋진 K-POP 콘서트를 즐겨주시기 바랍니다.

- 아 래-

1. 사업명 : 해외 입양인 모국어 연수 장학금 전달식 및 K-POP 콘서트

2. 일   시 : 2012. 10. 3(수) 19:20~22:00

3. 장   소 : 아트레온 신촌 1층 I LOVE KPOP CONCERT 공연장

4. 참가신청 : 홈페이지 공지사항 댓글 및 이메일 

5. 신청마감 : 2012. 9.26(수)까지

Planning a Trip to Korea?

[마감] 번역봉사자를 찾습니다.

Event date: 2012-09-18

입양인가족(한국)의 편지를 영어로 번역해주실 봉사자님을 찾습니다.

봉사가 가능하신 분은 아래에 댓글을 달아주세요.


호주 모국방문단 봉사자 요청

Event date: 2012-09-18

호주에서 입양 청소년과 양부모님들의 모국방문가족 여행을 오십니다. 

아래와 같이 봉사활동 요청을 알려드립니다. 가능하신 봉사자님들의 많은 참여 부탁드립니다. 

1) 서울 투어 및 통역 2명

    일시: 9월 23일 일요일 오전 10 - 오후 2시

    장소: 오전 10 신촌 까사빌 출발 (전철로) -  오후 2시 신촌 까사빌 도착 

    일정:   경복궁-민속박물관- 점심- 세종로- 청계천 - 덕수궁-신촌 

    - 모든 관광 비용 가족들 부담 

2) 공항 픽업 2명

   a) 일시: 9월 21일 오후 3:40분  인천 공항 도착 

      내용: 공항에서 동방사회복지회관 까지 안내 / 어머님과 한국입양인 두 명 

       ( 공항 전철로 홍대입구 내리셔서 택시로 이동)

   b) 일시: 9월 23일 오전 5:35분 인천 공항 도착 

       내용: 공항에서 신촌 까사빌까지 안내/ 어머남과 입양 청소년 한명

      ( 공항 전철로 홍대입구 내리셔서 택시로 이동)    

   *  공항 픽업에 지불된 모든 교통비는 영수 처리해 주시면 지급해 드립니다.   

3) Host family ( 한국 가족 체험 봉사)

   일시 : 9월 29일 일요일 오후 + 저녁

   내용: 호주에서 방문하시는 19살 남자  한국 입양인, 14살 여자 입양인 과 양 어머님을 한국 가정에 초대하여 함께 시간을 보내며 저녁 식사를 함께 하고 호텔로 안내해 드립니다. 

  19살 남자 친구가 있는 한국 가정을 체험하고 친구를 만들고 싶어 하심

위의 모든 봉사는 봉사 인증서 발급가능합니다.  위 봉사중 가능하신 봉사의 번호를 적으시어 아래에 댓글 부탁드립니다. 

한국을 찾은 입양 청소년들에게 한국의 따뜻함을 보여주실 수 있는 뜻깊은 봉사활동에 많은 참여 부탁드립니다. 


[마감] 통역봉사자를 찾습니다.

Event date: 2012-09-14

벨기에 입양인분의 정보찾기에 도움을 주실 분을 찾습니다.

요청 봉사일시는 9/18(화), 오후 3시이며 약속장소는 인카스 사무실 입니다.

영어 혹은 영어+불어 가능하신 봉사자님은 아래에 댓글을 달아주세요.


[마감] 번역봉사자를 찾습니다.

Event date: 2012-09-14

PDF 문서번역(한글 ->영어)이 가능하신 봉사자님을 찾습니다.

봉사가 가능하신 분은 아래에 댓글을 달아주세요.


Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do I apply for an InKAS Korean language scholarship?

A: Please check our notice board located at the bottom of our website:  We will post a notice at the beginning of each application period, along with detailed instructions on how to apply.  If you intend to apply for a scholarship you should check our notice board regularly as we accept applications based on a first-come, first-serve basis.  Some things to remember – you must be a paid InKAS member - please visit our website to sign up and pay if you are a new member.  During the application process you will be required to submit copies of the following a) copy of passport that will not expire before or during the scholarship period b) copy of any adoption document proving you were adopted c) copy of high school diploma or higher

Q: How can I apply for the NIIED scholarship?

A: InKAS is no longer affiliated with the NIIED/KGSP application process.  Please visit their website or contact them directly with any questions.  We can provide you with NIIED’s information from the previous year; please email us if you would like a copy of the information. 

Q: Can you help me find a job or internship in Korea?

A: Occasionally InKAS receives information regarding job positions; you may contact us to inquire.  If you are interested in finding an English teaching position, there are many websites such as WorknPlay, HiExpat, and Dave’s ESL café that have daily postings for job positions.  If you wish to work for a Korean company, often a high level of Korean language fluency is necessary, so it may be important to attend a Korean language institute first. 

Q: Can you help me find my biological family in Korea?

A: InKAS unfortunately no longer provides birth family searches due to government changes.  We suggest that you first contact your social worker or post-adoption department at your Korean adoption agency.  Another alternative is the organization Korean Adoption Services, a post-adoption organization in Korea that provides birth family searches.  You can find more information about them here  For those with little or no information regarding their biological family, another option is going on TV.  The Korean channel KBS has a program that specializes in searching for family members; please email us for contact information.  If you have already found your birth family, InKAS can provide an interpreter to ease the language barrier difficulties– please fill out an application under “My Pages” - "Ask A Volunteer”.

Q: What is the F-4 visa?

A: Korean overseas adoptees are eligible to apply for the F-4 visa upon arrival in Korea.  This visa is beneficial in that it provides legal status for three years in Korea, renewable without having to leave the country.  The F-4 is unique because it is not a working, student, or family visa, and does not require a sponsor.  As an F-4 visa holder, you can buy property, start a business, conduct private tutoring and open a banking and phone account.  In order to obtain the visa we recommend that you do not attempt to apply in your adoptive country; you should wait until you arrive in Korea and go to the Seoul Immigration Office located in Omokyo-dong.  Please email us for a list of necessary documents and instructions on how to apply for the F-4 visa. InKAS can also provide an interpreter to go with you to the Immigration Office– please fill out an application under “My Pages” - "Ask A Volunteer”.

Q: What are the required documents for the F-4 visa?

A: Here are the required documents for applying the visa:

1.     Valid Passport and a copy of passport

2.     Original and a copy of certificate of citizenship from your country

-You may also request at your embassy in Korea

3.     F4 Visa Application form

4.      Domestic Resident Report of Foreign National Korean Form

5.     Certificate of adoption document

-Please request document from your adoption agency in Korea

-Depending on the agency it may take several business days to process.

6.     2 Photos (35mm x 45mm)

-Photo booths are located in the Immigration Office and many subway stations costing around 10,000 won

7.     Basic Registry

-Can be picked up at the Town Office next to the Immigration Office

8.      Loss of Korean Nationality Form (If you never renounced your Korean nationality)

9.     Fee: 60,000 KW

-Stamps can be bought in basement of the Immigration Office

Q: How can I stay at the InKAS guesthouse?

A: Our InKAS guesthouse is mainly for Korean adoptees studying in the Korean language program or those who have relocated to Korea and are searching for employment.  Most of our residents stay from 3 months to 1 year long.  We offer rooms for 2 to 4 people with shared bathrooms and have a kitchen, living room, garden, and study areas.  To apply for our guesthouse please sign into your InKAS account and fill out an application under “My Pages”.  If you have any questions about living at the guesthouse please email us for more information.

Q: Can I apply for dual citizenship?

A: As an overseas Korean adoptee, you may be eligible to apply for dual citizenship depending on if your adoptive country allows dual citizenship.  Dual citizenship allows you to maintain your adoptive country's citizenship while regaining your Korean citizenship back.  This has several advantages and disadvantages, so you should do a thorough research before making the decision to apply.  

Some advantages may include:

-Unrestricted period of residency in Korea

-Accessibility to social programs including education, healthcare, and pension

-Ability to apply for a bank loan, credit cards, and other financial services 

-Employment opportunities

-Sense of belonging to both your adoptive country and country of birth/heritage

Some disadvantages may include:

-Subjective to certain laws that would not apply to a foreigner but would affect you as a citizen of Korea

-Possible employment difficulties, especially positions hired based upon visa status (Ex: English teaching)

-Ineligibility for certain scholarships, such as the NIIED/KGSP or other scholarships directed towards foreigners

-Tax regulations between countries differ, so consulting with a financial adviser is suggested to avoid being double-taxed

After researching dual citizenship between Korea and your adoptive country, if you decide to begin the application process, please contact InKAS if you would like a list of necessary documents and application instructions.

Q: I need to rent a cellphone since I'm only staying in Korea short-term

A: If you don't wish to buy a cellphone through the standard 2-year contract required by most mobile carriers, you can rent a cellphone through InKAS.  InKAS provides pre-paid mobile phones with chargers for a low renting fee and returnable deposit fee.  Minutes can be added to the phone easily, instructions will be given upon rental of phone.  


InKAS - International Korean Adoptee Service Inc | Phone: +82-2-3148-0258 | Fax: +82-2-3148-0259
(03698) 15F, 662, Gyeongin-ro, Guro-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea